Painful Insect Bites. Bites of horseflies, deer flies, and gnats usually cause a painful, red bump. Fire ants, harvester ants, blister beetles, and centipedes also cause a painful, red bump. Within a few hours, fire ant bites can change to blisters or pimples. Cause of Insect Bite Reaction The skin bumps are the body's reaction to the insect's saliva.
While the bug is sucking blood, some of its secretions get mixed in. The main symptoms are difficulty breathing and swallowing starting within 2 hours of the sting. Onset usually is within 20 minutes. Anaphylaxis can occur with bee, yellow jacket, wasp, or fire ant stings. Anaphylactic reactions are very rare after other insect bites.
Reason: other insects don't have venom. If the blister is itchy , you can apply lotion before covering it. Go to the nearest emergency room if you have a blister and the following symptoms:. Common symptoms of a mosquito bite include:. Most bug bites will just create a small bump and itch for a few days. However, there are other types of bug bites that can blister, including:.
See a doctor immediately if you think you might have been bitten by a brown recluse spider. These bites can cause a serious reaction. It might be impossible to totally avoid mosquito bites, but there are some ways you can reduce your risk for getting bitten. Follow these tips:. Most mosquito bites lead to a puffy, itchy bump. However, in some cases, they can turn into blisters. While most bug bites cause only mild symptoms, some bug bites can transmit disease.
Read on to learn more about symptoms and how to prevent bug bites. Most commercial bug repellents can cause health and environmental problems. Learn about natural repellents that actually work. Bites from mosquitoes often cause small red lumps on your skin. These are usually very itchy. Some people may also develop fluid-filled blisters.
Mosquitoes don't cause major harm in the UK, but in some parts of the world they can spread serious illnesses such as malaria. Get medical help right away if you develop worrying symptoms, such as a high temperature, chills, headaches and feeling sick, after a mosquito bite abroad.
Tick bites are not usually painful, so you may not realise you've been bitten straight away. Ticks in the UK can sometimes carry a potentially serious infection called Lyme disease , so they should be removed as soon as possible if you find one attached to your skin.
See your GP if you develop any symptoms of Lyme disease , such as a rash that looks like a "bull's-eye on a dartboard" or a fever. A bite from a horsefly can be very painful and the bitten area of skin will usually be red and raised. Horsefly bites can take a while to heal and can become infected. See your GP if you have symptoms of an infection, such as pus or increasing pain, redness and swelling.
They usually cause small, red lumps that can be painful and very itchy, and can sometimes swell up alarmingly. Bedbug bites typically occur on the face, neck, hands or arms. They're typically found in straight lines across the skin. Using a pair of tweezers, slowly pull the tick out from its head, which is closest to your skin. Slowly pull upward without twisting. That helps ensure that you remove the whole tick.
Have someone help you get ticks in any hard-to-reach places of your body. Clean the area with soap and water, and treat with an antiseptic or antibiotic cream to avoid infection. Do not try to burn a tick off. Heat only agitates the insect, causing it to burrow deeper into your skin. When you've pulled the tick out, put it in a jar or zip-locked bag. Your doctor may want you to save the tick so that its type can be identified. After a bee or wasp sting, if you can see the stinger, remove it as quickly as possible to lessen your exposure to the venom.
Wash the sting or bite with soap and water and keep it clean. Apply some calamine lotion or a paste of water and baking soda unless the sting is near your eyes. Put an ice pack on the affected area for 15 minutes every few hours or so, or cover the sting with a cold compress.
Apply an antibiotic cream to prevent further infection. If you are allergic to bee or wasp stings, see your doctor for a prescription for an epinephrine auto-injector. In case of a severe allergic reaction, use the epinephrine auto-injector and call An epinephrine auto-injector is easy to use — your doctor or pharmacist will explain how.
If you're severely allergic to stings, talk to an allergist about getting venom immunotherapy shots. How do you know when a sting or bite is too much for you to handle alone? If you have any symptoms of a systemic allergic reaction, call right away. If an epinephrine auto-injector is available, it should be used immediately.
Symptoms to watch for include:. In the case of a black widow or brown recluse spider bite, or if you have any doubt about what kind of spider bit you and you're feeling sick, develop a blister, or have cramps, get to the emergency department immediately.
Take the spider with you if you were able to kill it safely. If bites or stings get infected or if an open sore or blister refuses to heal, make an appointment with your family doctor. Human beings don't have to sit around and wait to be a sample on the insect buffet.
Here are some steps we can take to protect ourselves:. Reviewed by: Larissa Hirsch, MD.