What is the difference between pneumonia and chest infection

This will also help to thin the mucus in your lungs, making it easier to cough up take painkillers like paracetemol or ibuprofen to treat headaches, fever, and aches and pains stop smoking - if you smoke it will make your symptoms worse although cough medicines won't do anything to fight the infection, they may temporarily soothe some of the symptoms and make you feel a bit better.

Warm drinks like lemon juice and honey in hot water will also help to soothe a sore throat stay out of the cold and wrap up warm make sure you cover your mouth when you cough, and dispose of any used tissues straight away to prevent passing the infection on to others See your GP if your chest infection doesn't go away after a few weeks, or if you suddenly start to feel worse.

People at higher risk of chest infections. You might be in a high risk group if you're over 65, or have other health conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease , asthma , a heart condition , or a low immune system. Chest infections and older people. Other information and advice. In fact, says Boushey, antibiotics will kill many of the healthy, protective bacteria in your body.

Acute bronchitis will most often go away on its own within a week to 10 days, though your mucus-y cough will likely persist for several more weeks. Though many of the signs may be similar, pneumonia is much more serious than acute bronchitis.

It's more often caused by bacteria than by a virus, which means that antibiotics can be used to treat it. However, bacterial pneumonia can be a fast-moving disease that needs attention right away, says Boushey. For people who come in right away, we have good treatments.

Older people do worse with respiratory infections whether viral or bacterial , especially if they have other health problems such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease or cancer.

If you have symptoms, play it safe and see your doctor. Don't wait until you are in extremis. Your doctor will listen to your lungs and, if necessary, take an X-ray of your chest, which will identify pneumonia infection.

To protect yourself against bacterial pneumonia, there are two pneumonia vaccines recommended if you're 65 or older. If you have underlying health problems, like COPD or diabetes , or if you smoke, you will likely need one at an earlier age.

Talk to your doctor. Much like bronchitis, people with pneumonia will experience a cough which brings up mucus, as well as a shortness of breath. Pneumonia may similarly be accompanied by a fever — although the fever may be high, unlike bronchitis.

Pneumonia may also cause confusion, clammy or sweaty skin, headache, malaise, loss of appetite, sharp chest pain, or leukonychia white nail syndrome. Unlike bronchitis, pneumonia can be life-threatening. Most people with walking pneumonia can go about their daily activities as normal.

Pneumonia affects how air is distributed to blood cells. When cells do not get enough oxygen, they cannot function properly. As a result, the infection may spread and become deadly. Your doctor may also be able to identify pneumonia by the sounds of crackling, wheezing, or bubbling in your chest.

Complications can arise from either a cold or the flu, especially in the very young, the elderly, or people with compromised immune systems. While your doctor is the best resource for making a conclusive identification of your illness, keep an eye out for symptoms at home if you have a cold or the flu.

Only you know how you feel. About chest infections Chest infections are common, especially after a cold or flu during autumn and winter. This page covers: Signs and symptoms of a chest infection What causes chest infections? Caring for your symptoms at home When to see a doctor Preventing chest infections Signs and symptoms of a chest infection The main symptoms of a chest infection can include: a persistent cough coughing up yellow or green phlegm thick mucus , or coughing up blood breathlessness or rapid and shallow breathing wheezing a high temperature fever a rapid heartbeat chest pain or tightness feeling confused and disorientated You may also experience more general symptoms of an infection, such as a headache , fatigue, sweating, loss of appetite, or joint and muscle pain.

What causes chest infections? Most bronchitis cases are caused by viruses, whereas most pneumonia cases are due to bacteria.

Certain groups of people have a higher risk of developing serious chest infections, such as: babies and very young children children with developmental problems people who are very overweight elderly people pregnant women people who smoke people with long-term health conditions, such as asthma , heart disease , diabetes , kidney disease , cystic fibrosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD people with a weakened immune system — this could be due to a recent illness, a transplant, high-dose steroids, chemotherapy or a health condition, such as an undiagnosed HIV infection Read more about the causes of bronchitis and the causes of pneumonia Caring for your symptoms at home Many chest infections aren't serious and get better within a few days or weeks.

While you recover at home, you can improve your symptoms by: getting plenty of rest drinking lots of fluid to prevent dehydration and to loosen the mucus in your lungs, making it easier to cough up treating headaches, fever and aches and pains with painkillers — such as paracetamol or ibuprofen drinking a warm drink of honey and lemon — to relieve a sore throat caused by persistent coughing raising your head up with extra pillows while you're sleeping — to make breathing easier using an air humidifier or inhaling steam from a bowl of hot water — to ease your cough hot water shouldn't be used to treat young children with a cough, due to the risk of scalds stopping smoking Avoid cough medicines, as there's little evidence they work, and coughing actually helps you clear the infection more quickly by getting rid of the phlegm from your lungs.

Read more about treating bronchitis and treating pneumonia When to see a doctor You should see your GP if: you feel very unwell or your symptoms are severe your symptoms are not improving you feel confused, disorientated or drowsy you have chest pain or difficulty breathing you cough up blood or blood-stained phlegm your skin or lips develop a blue tinge cyanosis you're pregnant you're 65 or over you're very overweight and have difficulty breathing you think a child under five has a chest infection you have a weakened immune system you have a long-term health condition you have a cough that has lasted more than 3 weeks Your GP should be able to diagnose you based on your symptoms and by listening to your chest using a stethoscope a medical instrument used to listen to the heart and lungs.

Preventing chest infections There are measures you can take to help reduce your risk of developing chest infections and stop them spreading to others.

Stop smoking If you smoke, one of the best things you can do to prevent a chest infection is to stop. Read more information and advice about stopping smoking Good hygiene Although chest infections generally aren't as contagious as other common infections, like flu, you can pass them on to others through coughing and sneezing. Alcohol and diet Excessive and prolonged alcohol misuse can weaken your lungs' natural defences against infections and make you more vulnerable to chest infections.

To keep your risk of alcohol-related harm low, the NHS recommends: not regularly drinking more than 14 units of alcohol a week if you drink as much as 14 units a week, it's best to spread this evenly over three or more days if you're trying to reduce the amount of alcohol you drink, it's a good idea to have several alcohol-free days each week Regular or frequent drinking means drinking alcohol most weeks.

Read more about healthy eating and tips on cutting down on alcohol Vaccinations If you're at an increased risk of chest infections, your GP may recommend being vaccinated against flu and pneumococcal infections a bacterium that can cause pneumonia.


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