According to reports, the spies had been providing Mossad information on foreign students enrolled in Turkish universities, especially those who they think could work in the defense industry in the future.
The investigation revealed that one of the cells was particularly important as its members were tasked with contacting Mossad field officers and meeting with them abroad.
Mossad paid cell members varying amounts for private information on students living in Turkey. One of the spies, A. The spy acted as a courier for payments and was reported missing in Istanbul's Maltepe district in June in an attempt to mislead security forces. However, MIT was already carrying out surveillance on the cells at the time. The investigation revealed that A. Another important member of the network, R.
It is known that he was in the Croatian capital Zagreb where he met with Mossad field managers over June , He then added: "Those that used to spin. Nowadays, the cellar doesn't look like it used to. And he also spoke about Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.
Iran's top nuclear scientist was assassinated on a road outside Tehran last November - an attack Iran publicly blamed on Israel. The ex-Mossad chief did not confirm or deny involvement in the death.
But he said the scientist was a target "for many years", adding that his scientific knowledge concerned the agency. Iran says key nuclear facility hit by 'sabotage'. Why was a top Iranian scientist assassinated?
After Trump, what will Biden do about Iran? Israel says Iran hid nuclear arms work. Image source, Getty Images. Yossi Cohen led Mossad for more than five years. Mr Cohen retired as the head of Mossad last week. Iran and Israel's shadow war takes a dangerous turn Iran nuclear crisis in words.
This video can not be played To play this video you need to enable JavaScript in your browser. An interview remarkable in its detail. Image source, Reuters.
Natanz is an uranium enrichment facility about km south of the Iranian capital Tehran. Collections Department is the largest, with responsibility for espionage operations, with offices abroad under both diplomatic and unofficial cover. The department consists of a number of desks which are responsible for specific geographical regions, directing case officers based at "stations" around the world, and the agents they control.
Beginning in , the Mossad undertook an advertising campaign to promote recruitment of collection officers. See a June recruiting poster here. A flash version of the recruiting ad, published September , may be viewed here. Political Action and Liaison Department conducts political activities and liaison with friendly foreign intelligence services and with nations with which Israel does not have normal diplomatic relations.
In larger stations, such as Paris, Mossad customarily had under embassy cover two regional controllers: one to serve the Collections Department and the other the Political Action and Liaison Department.