Swtor what makes mods

While this allows the Switch the play N64 games such as Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Winback and more the common consensus is that this is not a great port as it emulates the classic Nintendo 64 console in a poor way. While this does include North American and European versions of the game, reports say that fog, frame-rates, and input timing are affected all of which is covered in this Performance Review.

Is this the Link to the Past we all hoped? Watch and find out. Nintendo Online N64 games may have been something that we've all waited for, but maybe Nintendo should take another pass. In Partnership with Wal-Mart. Table of Contents. Quote: Originally Posted by psandak. So maybe what you are looking for is not even possible.

Taking a specific example: Lethal mod 15 required level 30 to use rating 78 green from vendor 13 Mastery 10 Endurance 11 Power rating 88 blue crafted by cybertech 17 Mastery 12 Endurance 13 Power rating 94 purple crafted by cybertech 20 Mastery 14 Endurance 16 Power. Something you find difficult is a lesson on how to play better, not a punishment for playing badly.

To go to Belsavis, you must go to Belsavis. JediQuaker Hold water, a sieve may not, but hold another sieve, it will - Yoda. Quote: Originally Posted by sumquy.

Hey thanks SevusAmast for that summary of needed crew skills. That helped a lot. There are a lot of replies and I am trying to hang on with my understanding. From reading all the replies and getting a better understanding of what mods do, I see I worded my question horribly. I guess I need to understand the "Rating" stat more. And for full disclosure none of my characters is over level What is the Rating stat and how is it derived?

And thank you all for your input, the whole system makes far more sense to me now. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. You are about to leave this website Close Continue. Excellent summary!!! My question to you Cuttertam is what you mean by Quote: Originally Posted by Cuttertam because what the vendors have is too low power. Taking a specific example: Lethal mod 15 required level 30 to use rating 78 green from vendor 13 Mastery 10 Endurance 11 Power rating 88 blue crafted by cybertech 17 Mastery 12 Endurance 13 Power rating 94 purple crafted by cybertech 20 Mastery 14 Endurance 16 Power The main for-crystals vendors sell only greens, except for the max-level ones.

Crafters can make blues and purples. So while you level, if you can keep up with your level, you will get better results by crafting than by spending crystals on Fleet. Once you get to max level, though, it's a different story, because the level 65 common data crystal vendor sells purple rated mods. This may depend upon what "rating" of mods you want to craft. What I do is when I get quest rewards I look what is best to accept. Mods cost 7 for barrels, hilts and armoring mods….. So if the quest giver is offering a armoring mod or 1 commidation do the math you will be saving 6 commidations that can be used to throw in other items by getting the armoring mod.

Same with the other 2 Mod and Enchancement if quest giver is offering a Enchancement mod or a commidation take the mod because you will be saving 1 commidation. So look what stats you need for your play type and get those mods. Write down on a piece of paper whats in all of your gear.

Before you start the planet check out the commidation vendor and commidation mod vendor see what you want to buy and start saving. Sometimes you dont need anything and than can accept other awards beside the commidations. What I do for rewards I accept orange items if they have better stats than your current item pull the mods out and replace current item worn. If it offers me a blue mod ill take that second. If its none of the above ill accept the commidation.

If I need nothing than Ill go for what will sell for most. What I cant get off planet for mods ill buy in the galatic market to fill the gaps. Short but sweet if you have any questions I am sure someone else will post here and help you.


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