Incidentally, your BJP friends themselves indulge in cow slaughter and even people like you are actually complicit in cow slaughter. Indeed, the PM himself promotes leather as a promising sector under his flagship Make in India campaign, see the website at : bit. So tell me Gaurakshak Harry saab: Can you get leather without slaughtering cows?
Do you want to ban leather production also in the name of cow protection? And hand over this lucrative industry on a platter to Pakistan? You guys must be bloody traitors! Gaurakshak Harry saab? I consider myself at a higher moral plateau.
I consider animals also have rights, not as much as human. To me if these type of people are killed by their fellow human too bad so sad. After all it was conflict between exploiters, some far worse than others, in second world war that freed many countries from colonial rule.
May be same thing is needed for nature, if bulk of people remain your type. May be evangelists wanting Armageddon are asking right thing for wrong reason. Counter agruments do not solve the original question. Talk about Islam. We can talk about Hindus later. Good example is triple Talaq bill. Husband leaving house is OK. Nobody should be forced into staying in broken marriage. FR,why are you quoting Islam in the first place. I have observed this phenomenon by Muslims everywhere.
Maybe something is written or not written about violence launched by islamists. But there is something called independent argument and using your own head rather needless quoting from Islamic scriptures. Is it because Muslims are forbidden to read anything other than Quran because of religious compulsion,that is why you have to rely always on what is written in Quran? Alas, the knee-jerk reaction of most of these hot-headed men — yes they are mostly men — is to resort to violence and nothing else.
They are unlikely to immerse themselves in theological nuances of the type you prefer to turn to. Perhaps they even lack the intellectual and educational wherewithal to do so. Nonetheless, despite And are threatened and ostracised by the wider family and Muslim communities when they do so, regardless of local European laws that allow freedom of religion; — Opportunistic, Islamophobic demagogues like Le Pen in France, Modi in India, Trump in the US, Viktor Orban in Hungary etc.
As someone living in France and as one who has lived and worked in 3 other European countries, you see the same trends more or less everywhere. Indeed, in Europe, one notes that almost all other minorities, including more recent migrants such as Vietnamese, Chinese, Cambodians etc.
I do not have all the answers to what needs to be done for the community. Clearly, the British mosaic model where you could retain your identity and practise your religion has failed.
Undoubtedly, state and private discrimination has played an important part in the marginalisation of Muslims more than other communities. But you cannot sweep under the carpet the fact that the religion itself needs to introspect on how it needs to adapt and modify its tenets when practised in non-Muslim countries such as W. Surah 9, Ayat 33 — Claims all religions except the Arabic one is false, particularly targeting the polytheists.
Surah 9, Ayat 5 — guides the believers to Kill the Polytheist — whenever they find them. Just to remind ourselves, No Indian Believers are allowed to marry Arab ladies, will never be allowed to be citizens in Arab countries, even after doing 50 Hajj. Cherry picking verses in holy books is not going to help. In most religious books there is quite a bit of nonsense written. Including Hindu scriptures. Religions were formed hundreds or thousands of years ago , what they wrote or preached then is not entirely valid today.
But becoming a good, trustworthy person and recognising goodness or trustworthiness in others is an everlasting principle. Surah 9, Ayat 33 — He it is Who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the idolaters may be averse.
Lie 1. You claim it says all religions except Arabic one is false…. Propagandists like you have no knowledge of Islam Lie 2. It particularly targets Polytheists, No Polytheists of Makkah had broken the treaty and killed unarmed Muslims going for pilgrimage to Makkah, this Surah is a declaration of war to Polytheists, of Makkah. There is no targetting here, they are the only audience as they are the ones who have killed Muslims and are going to get retribution for it.
Surah 8, Ayat 41 — And know that whatever ye take as spoils of war, lo! And Allah is Able to do all things. This is talking about Ghanimah, there is a different thing called Fai. Someone who knew the difference between Ghanimah and Fai would have never made the statement you made, primarily because you do not know anything about Islam,.
You go to Propaganda websites and digest all the shit they give. Tell me have actually ever read any book by renowned scholar of Islam. Surah 9, Ayat 5 — Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them captive , and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush.
But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Again your ignorance shines high in making the claim. The entire Muslim word understands it as only Mushriks of Makkah who had broken the treaty and killen unarmed Muslims going for pilgrimage in the sacred months of pilgrimage.
Hence it is asking Muslims that do not steep down to the level of Musrikhs and let the sacred months pass, but after that you must take vengeance from those who broke their treaties and kill unarmed men women and children. You propagandist never look at what Polytheists of Makkah did to Muslims when they were in power, and only want to talk about retribution by Muslims, as if Muslims were the instigators. No Indians are allowed to marry Arab ladies!
Where did you get that…. Propagandist can only tell lies. Thank you Ali Mustafa Khan for your clarifications. So also some seemingly liberal and well read Hindus like Shekhar Gupta who have absolutely a superficial understanding of Islamic culture and history. Many of us Hindus have been fed this propaganda from our school days especially from our upper caste school friends.
And you know where our friends got it from? When leftists or academics many of them Hindus try to inform the truth as per historical evidence, these Vedic propagandists call them as distortionists of truth. His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the idolaters may be averse. It is not universal. Allah is just one of more than million Deva, equally large number of Asura, Yaksha, Raksha and other supernatural.
Only yesterday I was reading that science believes it may be possible that there may be million or more earth like planets in universe. Mr Harry: You have not understood the core of Hindu religion. Your mind is controlled into believing the superficial aspects around Hinduism and taking it too seriously.
Just like Islamists or Christians or others. Superstitions, myths, beliefs and false stories intended to control people into following rather than to liberate. Enjoy life every day as it comes. The politics of religion as it is followed without questioning can make our lives miserable.
It is not I it is you who has not understood the core of Hindu religion. Looks like you are influenced by Arya samajis like Agnivesh or Approvanada. It believes world was created from Brahmh billions of years ago.
Idea of true or false itself is delusion. They are not wrong but their truth is not the whole truth and only truth. Should be: Polytheists are not wrong because they neither believe in one god nor the belief that there is is only one true path or there is a last message. I wish the author had a more in depth knowledge of world history, before attempting to explain such a topic. Very shallow and bias article in favor of western european supremacy over the rest of human creeds and cultures.
From the establishment of this current world order Muslims have been the target of political suppression by western powers. Understanding the spoils go to the victors we make no issue with such a outcome but only wait for the day when all things return full circle.
Muslims actually suffer from a global inferiority complex. In Middle East, despite having a numeric superiority they are weaker and less developed than the Jews and way less developed than the Christian, white Europe in north. If Hijab, Niqab were prohibited in India like it was done in Turkey way back in early twenties and France now Muslims in India would have been progressive and Muslim women would have equal opportunities.
I like the way France prohibited burkini and other nonsense. If Muslim wants burkinis then they should also allow Frenchmen in Mosque with only underwear like they do in beaches.
If Hijab, Niqab were prohibited in India like it was done in Turkey way back in early twenties and France now Muslims in India would have been progressive.. The backwardness of Muslims in India has complex causes and the answers are to be found both in Islam and the discrimination they face in the countries they live in. They cannot be reduced to the wearing of a single item of clothing.
Conversely, if Muslim women do not wear the hijab or the niqab, will they get better treatment in India and in Europe? The answer is a resounding no.
Should Sikh men stop wearing the turban in India? Do they get discriminated in India because of their turbans. One might say much less than Muslims who wear their religious garb. Although Sikhs were easily picked and killed during the pogroms of , by and large, Sikhs do not face the discrimination that Muslims in India face. Want to modify your theory Gaurakshak Harry? Perhaps you might wish to talk to your itchy-testicled gaurakshak friends and mentors like Babu Bajrangi, Praveen Togadia and others to redesign your theory.
A Muslim friend of mine, non-practicing one, also start keeping beard. I asked him whether had found faith. This is the real secret. One has to nip in bud. Surgery is needed to remove malignant tumor. Therefore Ataturk was one the right path and so is French government. You Indian secu monkeys know nothing and due to your mentally challenged condition can not learn anything from past or present and talk like broken record.
A Muslim friend of mine, non-practicing one, also start keeping beard.. So go get yourself lobotomised! You are proving me right. You secus have learning disability. Basically you guys are mentally challenged. To keep beard or not is individual choice. Sikhs keep beard and so do Ayatollahs. That does not mean Sikhs will appoint Ayatollah as granthi. The issue is a secular state should positively discourage overt sign of religiosity.
The people who put religion above state should be encouraged to move to theocratic state. Exception should be made of indigenous faiths, because they have nowhere to go. That is what France is doing. That is the way for India to go. Under international law, female genital mutilation FGM is a human rights violation, torture, and an extreme form of violence and discrimination against girls and women.
Additionally, the Council of Europe www. Article 38 — Female genital mutilation Parties shall take the necessary legislative or other measures to ensure that the following intentional conducts are criminalised:.
FGM is nothing short of unmitigated terror on year old girls and should be banned — no exceptions. Just as sati was banned…. But killing goats, cows etc. Can you explain us scientifically how? Or are you going back to your pseudo-science? Democratic countries should be extremely careful to give asylum to Muslims. Muslims who fled from their own Muslim nations to save their lives and take asylum may not pose a threat themselves but there is no guarantee that their children who would be raised as Muslims would not be brainwashed by Kabilic ideas of Quran and become non-secular, anti democratic, irrational and finally terrorist.
But then I did not expect anything subtle or accurate from a man with the intellectual ability of a Babu Bajrangi! Fact is, most Muslims in Western Europe were people recruited after the 2nd World War to participate in the rebuilding of shattered European economies. Many of them came from former British colonies as people from the Indian sub-continent did to the UK, people from North Africaan colonies to France etc.
Germany which lacked colonies, recruited actively in Turkey in the 50s and until the early 70s. You will find similar trends in other European countries as well. Indeed, there is more violence towards Muslims in India by your Nazi Hindutva friends and you need to put your won house in order before delivering sermons to others.
Arab countries also imported large number of people including non-Arab Muslims in their countries. As a matter of fact Immigrants out number locals in many Arab countries. But in none of the Arab countries a Pakistani or Chechen has killed any local irrespective of how much angry he or she had become.
Arab countries kick out troublesome immigrant or their children. This is the central issue. Unless Immigrant leaves behind his or her culture and has shown willingness to mainstream, countries import problems. In west Muslims and Sikh bring their problems and therefore are no much popular in local people in general, barring politicians who have build base and apex of their political carries like Congress, RJD, Trinmool Congress etc.
We reserve the right to comment on the issue simply because it is in our national interest to do so. France happens to be a reliable Indian ally. We will not sacrifice that relationship to appease insecure savages.
At home or abroad. What is your problem with Christians wanting to import Muslims. Focus on our country and make it a better place to live. Secularists in our country are being flogged as every year passes. Let our countrymen see a bigger picture. Because they behave like monkeys.
Observing Monkeys is entertainment. But people are not in mood of entertainment from journalists, activists or politicians.
They would rather see movies. Question is not importing Muslims. Muslims like everybody need employment and want to improve their living standard. Arab way of conferring rights to imported workers is better way for host country. All islamists must be de-islamised like China is doing. Only hard measures are needed to reform Islam by rewriting Quran.
I tried my best to extract some meaning out of this article, but failed miserably. Not because the author is uninformed or being haphazard, but the Islam that I had been taught all along, and being taught even today, at home, madrasa and through sermons, has been so all inclusive that I am unable to identify myself with all those things that are happening in the name of Islam today, which the author has pointed out in the article. I will not be even the last person to hurt anybody; but the act of self-defence, I will definitely engage into, which perhaps is the right of every individual, Islam or no Islam.
If they are in majority they call for islamisation like Malasia If they are minority they want secularisam as pretext to majoritise Islam. Radicalisation of Islam and sanctioning of killing kafirs in the name of Islam making other religious thoughts more insecure to civilised society.
There will be no remidy until Muslim society gets a social reformer. Now sympathy to secure votes to congress or leftist patries by journalist like Sekhar gupta is a half truth presentation. Good analysis but with your phrase,, master,s master ,,you have admitted that the the kings and dictators of Muslim countries are protected by the champions of democracy for their multiple interests. And from West Asian countries people escape only fearing prosecution and to live life of peace and freedom.
The rulers in Europe and America can not endanger their democracy but protect the autocrats, corrupts and murderous all over the world as long as they safeguard the master,s interests. The fact is until Muslims are de-Islamized like Christians in west are de-Christianized, middle eastern countries can not afford to open themselves as democracies unless they are self-destructive like Gorbachev. They have already seen what happens when they try to do.
These see what happened in Egypt. Even great Champion of Arab spring Obama kept his mouth shut after military removed Muslim brotherhood from power. The issue is not only Muslims, Christians in Asia and Africa are equally fanatic and look down upon people with different faith or atheists. The Ummah is a spiritual concept all Muslims form one nation — if something affects one, it should be seen as affecting all — this is a part of the teaching of Islam.
I believe the analysis is too superficial and simplistic. France has unfortunately seen a bad situation because of some radicalized individuals and not all French Muslims want to take law into their hands. It is also incorrect for Shekhar to call the current generation Muslims in Europe as migrants. Also it is not because these Muslims come from repressive regimes and this gives them some sort of licence to be angry and forcing their beliefs to other states. When I read this I feel Shekhar thinks there was a kind of collective psychological disease that he wants us to be aware of.
Third generation Muslims in the west are generally angry because they find many of the western attitudes hypocritical. State holidays are only available on Christian festivals even in Secular France. In the din of all this — could Shekhar not understand that people can really get upset when the sole purpose of these cartoons is to link terrorism to the founder of Islam leaving aside the fact that drawing any images of the prophet is deemed immoral in Sunni Islam which is historically iconoclastic.
Of course, Shekhar would also very conveniently forget that many people who promote these cartoons are not also very charitable towards Muslims in their own lands. This type of logic is generally very prevalent among those who think they stand on a higher moral ground without even understanding the depth of the matter.
PS: Mahathir said he was quoted out of context and Macron also says today that he was quoted out of context. I have yet to see sizable number of Muslims talking about others rights. Most Muslims always talk about their rights based on Quran, an outdated book written in Kabilic times. Muslims are allowing themselves to become slaves of Quranic ideas. Are there no brave Muslims who can tame islamic beast who is forcing them to live 6th century life.
Sorry the indisputable fact is Muslims will not integrate into the societies they forbears had chosen to migrate to. And the reason is to proclaim the supremacy of their faith. Therefore, Muslim taxi drivers refusing to carry passengers who have brought alcohol or sausages from the supermarket, elected Muslim officials refusing to shake hands with their female constituents, even Muslim lawyers refusing to stand up in court when the judge enters — on the pretext they cannot show that respect to lowly mortals, only to their god.
Thankfully the school refused — it would have scared the kids!! Islam needs internal re-formation, it cannot be done by outsiders and till now there is no space for such reformers in Islam, If something needs ot change that is the one. Non muslims are fully aware of he points listed by Shekar Gupta that is driving islamophobia, with no reformer or voice in sight, people are being to see it as truth. Excellent analysis. At the end of the day, Shekhar Gupta analysis may have been a bit too simplistic but the bottom line is that Islam is getting bad press, partly because of its own rigid actions and partly, it is not able to fit in with the rest of the world as fluidly as it should.
Such counter opinions explain the position much better though not sure how many would understand it. The right to criticize is a fundamental part of France and its culture. Get out of it. There are n number of things ppl dislike abt islam. And the way Islam treats others around it. Islam is a glass house like any other. Islam preaches that Gods as defined by other faiths are false and not just false but the people believing in them are sort of sub humans living in darkness.
But spineless Shekhar Gupta and others like im will never call a spade a spade and beat about the bush. Your days of claiming non-muslims dont know the hate preached in your quaran are long gone. Perhaps the politicisation of this religion was made easy by the two inherent weaknesses which this religion provides scope for:.
In all probability the original reference should have been to those not believing in God generally as opposed to those not believing in Islamic faith. It would be incredibly naive if one were to accept that God would expect every one to follow the Islamic faith universally. Embedded into this belief system is another concept called jihad.
Together they create a perfect recipe for disaster and flaming this mix helps enormously in fixing political targets. Violence: a child born in to a Muslim household is introduced to physical violence early on in its life having to participate in animal sacrifice. Potentially this provides the necessary psychological grounding for a violent outlook later on in its life.
It has been proved time and again that modern education followed by economic prosperity alone provides the hope against this politicisation. Discussion about what is happening in France is not complete without asking the simple question — is the freedom of speech equal to the freedom to offend?
We have seen many instances in our own country. Gaurakshak Harry: The right to blaspheme is enshrined in French law and if this right offends you, well tough luck. In February this year, a somewhat similar case cropped up in Lyon, France. That evoked an angry, vulgar response from a Muslim commentator and in turn Mila posted another video against Islam. This soon led to death threats and Mila had to change schools and her anonymity had to be protected.
Clearly, the Muslims issuing death threats had forgotten that Mila was still a child. The Mila case soon had the whole of France discussing the issue and President Macron said the following:. In this debate we have lost sight of the fact that Mila is an adolescent. We owe her protection at school, in her daily life, in her movements.. The law is clear: we have the right to blaspheme, to criticise, to caricature religions.
The republican order is not a moral order … what is outlawed is to incite hatred and attack dignity.. Just chill kill. Using labels,aggression on your part shows you were outsmarted and outmaneuvered. Frankly its fun to see your rules and laws,arguments ,foe being used against you like they do in judo.
There is no right or wrong if you win even your wrongs will be celebrated like in the case of muslims their mughal past is celebrated. Republican christians never went out killing people because they mocked their leader regularly in liberal news papers. Just too good. I demand asylum and I will dictate your policy and what beliefs you can have otherwise…..
I was doing some mild surfing before turning down for the night when I came across this article extraordinaire. Never in my life I had encountered such hilarity late at night that really made my day…say night! I nearly went off my rockers with laughter. Now here is the gem! Because you could not rebel against your government in your country and train to become a pilot since it was run asIislamic Shariat security state, you went to another country rebeled, trained to be a pilot and banged into world trade centre Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haah.
Ohhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha huh. Ohoo ho ho hoh ho ho hoh hoh ho! I had heard the Kwaja joke where he looks for his lost ring under the street light when it was actually lost in the desert and when asked replies that there is most light under the street light. But never knew it to be serious journalism. Ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho hmmm ha hmmm!
I give up! Hah ha ha ha ho ho hahah ha! Among the many, there is another hidden gem in the article. Ohh boy I am going to have abelly ache if I do not stop now. Ha ha ha oh haha ha! Again thanks for making my night! Ha ho ho ha. You have been too restrained in speaking truth. Either it is fear or your training of Nehruvian Era. Calling spade a spade is not your USP. It feels that your justifying Muslim terror in a way. I read this article in the early morning in the Business Standard and waited for it to appear in the Print website.
But now it seems to be too late to comment on it. That the article is excellent is to state the obvious. Islam has always been in crisis, but that is not the point. France is a sovereign country. It has its own culture, value system, history and political beliefs. Voltaire and Rousseau gave democratic ideas to the eighteenth century world.
Now France itself is caught in a crisis of its own. It has allowed millions of immigrants to enter their country in good faith and belief that these immigrants would integrate themselves in the French culture and value systems. But this has not happened. France now has a crisis on hand and decide how to handle this crisis. This will strengthen the extreme right party FN headed by Le Pen. But I am sure the French would resolve this issue in a mature and democratic manner. Also I am surprised that they are not doing any protests and beheading in China.
China is living peacefully. All in all Muslims get the motivation of radicalization from there holy book Quran. Now world has started to learn that they are not the kind of people worth to live in with in a large society. Wherever they go, they only follow Sharia. Constitution, common sense and humanity is nothing for them. Right now what is happening matters the most. We know what are they upto. It is regularly said hat no rights are absolute.
Right to free expression is OK, but it is not absolute. The supreme court also sad so a few days ago in connection with the protesting Muslim women at Shaheen Bagh.
So how about being pragmatic, and voluntarily refrain from publishing cartoons caricatures involving Muhammad. There are so many other objects they can publish cartoons of. But problems start when one insists to exercise his right at any cost, no matter what. But then a French expert on the Arab world said that the publication and the republication are not the same thing, the republication by Charlie Hebdo is seen as an obstinate will to continue humiliating the Muslims, that now there is the sense that France has a problem with Islam, whereas in , France was the victim of terrorists.
There is some background to all this: In the tortured year history of the cartoons in France, the response to the images there has undergone a profound transformation. One drawing depicts the Prophet Muhammad carrying a bomb in his turban.
The Muslims simply feel insulted and provoked. In the US and other western countries people are more cautious, lest their speeches be offensive to racial, ethnic and religious minorities.
It is not only Muslims who feel insulted when their prophet is shown in a light that they consider blasphemous. Hindus feel the same way too! In America, the Hindus had objected when an image of a Hindu goddess was shown on sleepers. In another case it was an image of god Ganesh.
He had to leave India and go to Qatar, where he died in the end. In India, although a big majority, Hindus feel they were victimised by By Muslim mughals, and many are very willing going back centuries to dig up their mosques to build Hindu temples on the site!
Ayodhya is done, now many want to do the same in Mathura and Varanasi. Fatwas from Bal Thackeray and Bajrang Dal supremos were enough for the vast majority of Indians to turn on him. I polled several friends of mine — highly educated Indians with at least a Masters under their belt — and they all agreed that MF Hussain had hurt the feelings of Hindus and deserved what he got.
A follow-up question on whether they had actually seen the allegedly offensive drawings, blanks stares were seen. Proving again my theory that both the educated and the lumpen elements of all societies are easily led by demagogues and questionable religious figures. There may be differences in reach and magnitude when it comes to Hindutva terror and Hindutva inspired pogroms. But, Hindus no longer occupy the moral high ground when it comes to castigating Muslim intolerance.
Recall the professor in Kerala, I think his name was TT Joseph, who had his hands chopped off by the followers of the peaceful religion for a question in an examination which so offended the peacefuls.
I do not think any religion or at least adherents of any religion can claim that they are so bloody pure that they can cast the first stone. Kili your lack of reasoning is getting more evident as you write. If you want to bring Sikh example then you can say that killing of Baba Gurbachan Singh of Nirankari sect was comparable to TT joseph case.
Go to Bengal and stay with Gopalkrishna Gandhi in filth of garbage dump with high thinking. Dumb argument. One can be offended but cannot go around beheading others. Except Muslims nobody else be it Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Jains, Jews or any other religious group go around beheading others.
I remember a Bajrang Dal worker in Orissa in the late. He burnt alive an Australian Christian missionary and his children aged 6 and He also chopped the arms of a Muslim trader and burnt him alive. Burning children alive is the most abominable crime I can think of. More horrible than the beheading in France. Excessive and blind faith in any religion can make a man do unreasonable things.
The Buddhists have done horrible things in Myanmar. Muslim is not the only community getting offended, Hindus also get offended as you mentioned and it is true, But it is only Muslims who involve i beheading if offended Others react differently.
If not why? French also make fun of their own faiths too. That is true secularism. A dumb jack Ass Hindu secularist like you have difficulty understanding that difference. Lets bring the arguments that the five points construct and small conclusion the writer has undertaken. While it is true that Muslims are angry and poor, dearth of democracy is there, but I believe this is not the crux of the argument.
I think the fundamental progress in religious thought is lacking in Islam and this is easily applied to Hindus in India. Indians have a rag-tag democracy in that we see different faces. They have, at least in theory, the right to differ and hold protests.
But can you imagine being seen eating beef or God-forbid saying shoo to a cow excreting in the middle of the street! View other petitions from this government. This is to stop all 85 sharia courts that are open and to stop anymore from opening.
People residing in this country should obey by British law. No other law should ever be used in this country not now and not ever. I want to see all sharia law banned and any one found performing these acts should be prosecuted by British law. This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months. As this e-petition has received more than 10, signatures, the relevant Government department have provided the following response:. Sharia 'law' has no jurisdiction in England and Wales and the Government has no intention to change this position.
Sharia principles are the code of personal religious law governing the conduct of Muslims. They can extend into all aspects of people's lives, but provided an activity prescribed by Sharia principles does not contravene the law of England and Wales, there is nothing that prevents people living by Sharia principles.
One in three respondents reported feeling uncomfortable when they saw Muslim Americans wearing Islamic attire, said they would be concerned if a mosque was built in their neighborhood and believe Muslims should be subject to extra security screenings at airports.
In addition, 72 anti-Muslim hate groups that portray Muslims as potential terrorist threats were active in the U. Muslims feel pressure to conceal or underplay their religious identity by changing their names, wardrobes, diets and religious practices in order to receive equal treatment, he and other experts said.
During his election campaign, Biden promised that he would order the Justice Department to focus additional resources to combat religion-based hate crimes as well as human rights violations globally. On March 30, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that he would launch a day expedited review to determine how the Justice Department can better track hate crimes, hold perpetrators accountable, identify laws that might prevent hate crimes and engage with communities facing hate crimes.
Cyra Choudhury, a Florida International University law professor whose work focuses on Muslims, questions whether a government that has itself been a purveyor of Islamophobia can be responsible for monitoring and combating it. Countries like the U. As a result, Muslims often feel stigmatized, the report says. Such policies range from the placement of Muslim leaders on terrorist lists without explanation to entrapment by law enforcement. It has made their lives difficult, embarrassed them and, in some cases, caused them to lose their jobs, Jammal said.
It has also affected entire communities; smart street lights were directed at San Diego mosques, Boston police surveilled Muslims on social media, and New York police infiltrated Muslim student groups and put informants in mosques. Meanwhile, federal government suspicion of Muslims continues to be the norm: The U. Experts said the problem could be reduced with increased law enforcement accountability, training, oversight and transparency. No Muslims, however, were among his 15 Cabinet nominees.
Though all but two Cabinet-level positions have been filled, the U. Council of Muslim Organizations urged Biden in the coming years to nominate a Muslim to a Cabinet-level position or as a deputy Cabinet secretary.