It doesn't work for Toby to fall so deeply in love with someone else and actually marry them. From the very start, he has always been interested in Spencer, so this was a weird storyline for the character to have.
It's just one example of a way that he got worse as Pretty Little Liars progressed. Talk about a crazy realization for Spencer and her friends. But since Toby later said that he was on the A Team for a legit reason, this storyline fell flat, and it didn't work at all.
It's yet another way that this character kept deteriorating. He should have been all good or all evil, as this show doesn't leave much room for a gray area in terms of morality. Just like a pilot can seem so different from the remainder of the series, a character can start off one way and then completely change. In Toby's case, he seems really creepy when the show starts, and the other girls really don't like him. It's hard to reconcile the vibe that he gives off with how sweet and normal he seems later on.
This seems like a major inconsistency with the character. Toby isn't perfect and it's also very strange when he becomes a cop. So don't be mad because Toby cheated on Yvonne and don't be too sad that Toby may well have perished at the wheel before he went to live out his new dream life away from Rosewood. Charlotte DiLaurentis or Charles Dilaurentis. We repeat: Ezra is not "A"— nor has he ever been a member of the A-Team. Instead, Aria discovered while stuck on a chairlift!
In Season 2, Jenna got an eye surgery and was fully able to see throughout the third season. However, going into Season 4, the operation proved to only have temporary effects as she began to lose her sight again. While she was still blind , Jenna was made to believe that Garrett, whom she dated, killed Alison. The betrAyer and the second member of the A-Team is revealed to be Toby. Multiple endings were shot to avoid the real one from being leaked.
Alternates for the betrAyer role were Caleb and Paige. In the books, all five girls see Toby outside the window and Ali seizes the opportunity to prank Toby. In the show, Ali lies to the others about seeing Toby peering into the window. Toby is 19 according to this wikia. Mona is now a victim of "A". A mysterious person in a Red Coat saves the girls' lives. It was Alison. Revealed later she only saved Hanna. Another person they had help through blackmail was Jessica DiLaurentis who was protecting the one who attempted to kill her daughter while she buried her.
She handed someone a suitcase in " Unbridled " indicating she was helping someone in the shadows leave for some place.
After Jessica writes an email saying she can't protect the person anymore, someone killed her and buried her in the Hastings backyard. In " Miss Me x ", "A" blows up Toby and Jenna's house and is later revealed the leader is working alone with no helpers at that moment. After Charlotte tells the Liars her story, she tries to blow up Radley with the DiLaurentis family in with her. The Liars stop the plan with Sara getting punched out by Emily and Charlotte declaring "Game Over" after she nearly commits suicide; thus the A-Team is disbanded.
Jenna Marshall - She meets an unseen person Shana, from the costume shop in the park and hands them an unknown item with the instructions "You know what you need yo do". She was also seen associating with the Black Swan. Jenna hates the Liars for being involved in The Jenna Thing.
Also, she and Shana moved Det. Wilden's body after Ashley ran him over. Season 1, 2, 3, 4 Ian Thomas - He may have started the N. Club to film people for someone other than himself, Jason and Garrett. He helped Alison remain in hiding and is anxious to not be caught for it. Alison was also the black hooded figure, who the girls referred to as " A ", who pushed Ian off the bell tower. In Season 5, she bribed Cyrus in " A Dark Ali ", and seemed to know Bethany , when her mother seemed to be having an affair with Bethany's father.
She seemingly lured Bethany into Rosewood to kill her and is now forming an army of her own when The Liars cut their ties with her. Later, The Liars found out Mona planted fake information about her. Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Jason DiLaurentis - He almost hit Ali with a hockey stick.
There were also many pictures of Aria in his shed. In " She's Better Now ", he and Mona are hanging out and he has a screwdriver sized hole in his side, and he disappeared when the Liars appeared in the hospital. Season 2, 3. Paige McCullers - She had a violent past with Alison. Nigel Wright - He is seen talking to Jenna and apologizing to her about failing to keep quiet about CeCe. He is seen on the phone with someone and is shady about it and later draws a woman with a red coat hinting he may know who Red Coat is.
Jessica DiLaurentis - She buried her daughter alive after she thought she was dead. Jessica was protecting the one who tried to kill her before she died. CeCe Drake - Behaves strikingly similarly to Alison and 'A' and supposedly was furious when Alison got her kicked out of college, believing the Liars were involved.
Ezra Fitz - Has been known to keep major secrets and lie extremely well, dating Aria for over a year under false pretenses while keeping his past with Alison hidden. He also has amassed an arsenal of spy equipment which he used to track the moves of the Liars and everyone connected to them. He also seems to have great computer skills. Ezra told Aria this, after he went into shock once he saw Shana at his bedside.
She helped set fire at the Thornhill Lodge that night. The Liars found out shortly after when Shana held them at gunpoint. She claims that this was justice for Jenna, and Alison deserved it as even her own mother was afraid of her. However, Shana's plan to kill the liars was foiled when Aria pushed her off the stage with a large prop gun. Shana hit her head on a table.
Shana was then suspected of being 'A', but it was later clarified that 'A' is still around so she has been cleared. Gabriel Holbrook - After Alison is sent to jail, the girls are still threatened by "A", so they believe that Alison has a helper.
Because of the alleged kiss in How the 'A' Stole Christmas between Gabriel and Alison and because of his questionable absence, The Liars start to suspect him of doing A's jobs. He helped Alison to cheat on the lie detector test, and he was later kicked off from his police's job because of that.
Mike Montgomery - The Liars found out he visited Alison in jail, so they think maybe he is her helper. The suspicion grows when he starts acting shady stealing liars' blood from the school's blood drive, meeting Cyrus and giving him an envelope. In " Pretty Isn't the Point ", it's revealed he knew Mona wanted to fake her death. Andrew Campbell - After " Welcome to the Dollhouse ", he becomes a fugitive because the police found A's stuff in Campbell's farm, including Andrew's journal in which he stated he hates The Liars.
After he was arrested, the girls find out he is adopted and it's supposed that his real identity is Charles DiLaurentis. However, soon after that, the police drop the charges and Andrew is released. After countless insane plots, it's easy to forget every single person who has donned "A's" hood or attacked the liars.
Thankfully, we've assembled every person who's been an "A" or helped the plotting figure terrorize the Liars. This is especially necessary since season 7B will hopefully unmask PLL's "Uber A," who's the true puppet master of this crazy game. To get the full scoop look through gallery now.