This is particularly challenging when one considers the cost of various prosthetic options. For example, a patient may be missing 3 teeth on the lower right side, and it is certainly possible to replace all 3 teeth, with dental implants. It is also possible to replace the 3 teeth with a removable partial denture, which would be significantly less expensive. Given that most patients prefer to have replacement teeth that do not come in and out, how can we balance cost with patient preference?
This is one of the many reasons there is no once size fits all treatment. As a prosthodontist , Dr. Primary incisors erupt around the age of 6 months and fall out around age 6 to make room for the secondary incisors to erupt. They have a flat, wide appearance and function in the same way a chisel would. Their sharp edges are used for biting food into smaller pieces.
Working away from the center of your smile, the cuspids come next. There are two cuspids on the top arch and two cuspids on the bottom arch. Primary cuspids generally erupt between the age of months, starting with the upper arch. However, secondary cuspids begin to erupt around the age of 9, but start with the lower arch. The cuspids are also known as canine teeth because of their pointy appearance. This pointy, sharp edge allows the cuspids to tear up food. Next comes the bicuspids, or premolars.
There are eight bicuspids, four bicuspids on the top arch and four on the bottom arch. Bigger than the incisors and canines, but smaller than the molars, the bicuspids have a flatter top surface with various ridges used to grind food into smaller pieces. Bicuspids do not erupt in humans until the age of 10, meaning there is only one set of bicuspids that are permanent teeth.
Incisors cut food up into smaller pieces, which the teeth and tongue then move to the back of the mouth. The canine teeth are the teeth that are slightly more pointed than the others.
As well as cutting up and tearing food, these teeth make sure that the upper and lower rows of teeth do not clash. The shape of the canines allows them to guide the rows of teeth so that they smoothly slide off each other when the jaw moves.
These are the larger teeth that sit behind the canines. Humans have four along the top gums, and four along the bottom, two on each side. These sit toward the back of the mouth, and most adults typically have eight molars, with a first and second molar on each side of the mouth. Third molars, or wisdom teeth, sit right at the back of the mouth.
Some people do not develop wisdom teeth. The function of the molars is to grind up the food into smaller pieces to help people swallow easily. The first set teeth, or baby teeth, begin to emerge when an infant is about 5 months old, and they will typically have their first full set by the age of 3. Baby teeth do not include premolars. When a child reaches about 6 years old, their baby teeth will start to fall out, and adult teeth will replace them.
To help maintain a healthy mouth, the best way to take care of teeth is by brushing and flossing regularly. This is not uncommon and should stop when the gums become healthy after regular cleaning and flossing.
A person should see a dentist if they experience any unusual symptoms, such as ulcers, infection, inflammation , or bleeding. There are many common causes of tooth pain, including abscesses, tooth decay, and sinus infections. Here, learn about these issues and what to do next. The types of teeth are incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.
The last of the molars to erupt are the wisdom teeth. Learn more about the types of…. Having white spots on your teeth can be undesirable, but they are rarely a serious medical concern. Possible reasons for them include poor dental…. Brown spots can form anywhere on the teeth, including between teeth or on the tooth surface. These brown or yellowish stains can result from dental…. Bruxism is teeth grinding or clenching that occurs when someone is not chewing.
It can happen when someone is awake or asleep.