If you are using the or versions, you can download it as an add-in. Excel has implemented this feature into the base version starting with the version. Click to learn more about Power Query: Power Query Direct importing This method works in Excel versions or newer.
Skip to content. Report a Bug. Previous Prev. Next Continue. Home Testing Expand child menu Expand. Exporting XML data. XML is a technology that is designed for managing and sharing structured data in a human-readable text file.
XML follows industry-standard guidelines and can be processed by a variety of databases and applications. Using XML, application designers can create their own customized tags, data structures, and schemas. In short, XML greatly eases the definition, transmission, validation, and interpretation of data between databases, applications, and organizations.
Schema files. If XSLT files are linked to XML data files that you import into Excel, you do have the option to apply or not apply the formatting before the data is added to the worksheet, but only when you open an XML file by using the Open command from within Excel.
By using XML and Excel, you can manage workbooks and data in ways that were previously impossible or very difficult. By using XML maps, you can easily add, identify, and extract specific pieces of business data from Excel documents. For example, an invoice that contains the name and address of a customer or a report that contains last quarter's financial results are no longer just static reports.
You can easily import this information from databases and applications, revise it, and export it to the same or other databases and applications. Extend the functionality of existing Excel templates by mapping XML elements onto existing cells.
This makes it easier to get XML data into and out of your templates without having to redesign them. The following diagram shows how the different files and operations work together when you use XML with Excel. Essentially, there are five phases to the process:. Adding an XML schema file. Importing an XML data file.
Entering data, moving mapped cells, and leveraging Excel functionality, while preserving XML structure and definitions. Exporting revised data from mapped cells to an XML data file. You can create or open a workbook in Excel, attach an XML schema file. After you map the XML elements to your worksheet, you can import and export XML data into and out of the mapped cells. When you add an XML schema file.
In general, XML maps are used to create mapped cells and to manage the relationship between mapped cells and individual elements in the XML schema. In addition, these XML maps are used to bind the contents of mapped cells to elements in the schema when you import or export XML data files. There are two kinds of mapped cells that you can create: single-mapped cells and repeating cells which appear as XML tables.
To make designing your worksheet more flexible, you can drag the mapped cells anywhere on a worksheet and into any order — even one different from the XML schema. You can also choose which elements to map and not map. An XML map can only contain one root element. The XML data is imported in a two-dimensional table with rows and columns that shows XML tags as column headings, and data in rows below the column headings. The XML data is opened as read-only in Excel so that you don't accidentally save your original source file in the Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook file format.
You can then drag elements of the schema to the worksheet to map those elements to the worksheet. In this dialog box, click Details for additional information about each error.
The following table lists some common import errors:. When you clicked Validate data against schema for import and export in the XML Map Properties dialog box, the data was imported, but the data wasn't validated against the specified XML Map. Some or all of the data you imported was converted from its declared data type to text.
To use this data in a calculation, you'll need to convert the data from text to numbers or dates. For example, a date value converted to text won't work as intended in the YEAR function until you convert it to the Date data type. Excel converts data to text when:. The data is incompatible with the Excel internal representation of the XSD data type. To fix this problem, check each data type declaration to make sure your XML data is valid according to the XML schema.
For the file named in the title bar of the dialog box, import an appropriate schema first, and then try importing the file again. You're attempting to add rows by importing or appending data to the XML table, but there's no room for the table to expand. An XML table can only expand from the bottom down.
For example, there may be an object, such as a picture or another table, immediately below the XML table that prevents the XML table from expanding. Or, for the XML table to expand, it will exceed the Excel row limit of 1,, To fix this problem, rearrange the tables and objects on the worksheet to allow the XML table to expand from the bottom down.