The page has gained an almost independent entity with words, letters and lines. The words "trrrum, trak, tiki tak" are aimed at apprehending the mechanical sound. The poet does not find anything at the end of the experience; everything is always in the state of a Potential power in that poetry.
Let us consider the poem "Bahri Hazer": Here, a boat just about to sink and the sailor struggling waves are described. Furthermore, that of talking film. Because here, the image has completed unity with sound. The composition and technique of new verse, which is the urban verse, has become more complex. Both rhyme and rhymelessness, both 'master line' and 'whole'. Both solo violin and the orchestra. That is to say, dynamic forms and scales suitable for the poetry that should reflect the reality with its past, present and future and the active human in this reality in its 'internal' and 'external' world through all its complexity and motion.
These are the applications that were neither seen nor thought of in the Turkish poetry until then. He is not only a literature revolutionary who marked a new epoch in Turkish poetry, but also a poet type that we are not accustomed to see at all.
It is seen that the leading poetry understandings of our century combine as opened to a certain direction and as surpassed in his work bearing an unlimited richness. The realism of many of my writings is unilateral.
Therefore, they most of the time have an attitude of a 'propaganda' screaming in excess. My conceptions in terms of the reflection of the sight and understanding of the world in the art rather than in terms of the sight and understanding of the world are not much.
It is evident that such a plan can not be realized through poetry or at the level of mere poetic discourse. Chronology : He was born in Salonica on 15 th January. He starts to attend school at Galatasaray Sultani. İstanbul is under military occupation. He is assigned to Bolu as a teacher by Ankara Government.
He witnesses the first years of revolution. He studies economy-politics. He participates in artistic studies. This performance takes place in Pravda with admiration on 12 th March. This leads to his leaving the country. He goes to Moscow. The penalty of "rowing" is abandoned upon the enforcement of Turkish Penal Code. He is sentenced to three months of imprisonment. He wants to take a passport. However, he does not receive a reply and then although he crosses the border secretly, he is seized at Hopa.
He is taken to Ankara via İstanbul. The judgements previously made in his default are repeated in Ankara Penal Court. He is released through the consideration of the period that he remained in prison previously. Others follow it. He is acquitted by the Court of Appeal. He is acquitted from all. In , he was awarded the International Peace Prize in Prague. He contributed to the World Peace Council working for world peace, disarmament, human rights and social justice. His famous poems of "Japanese Fisherman " and "Girl Child" are symbols of peace, which were composed by world-famous singers such as Paul Robeson and Pete Seeger.
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