Where to find ascended goods merchant

It will always be account bound. There are many ways to craft or obtain ascended gear covered in this guide, but the average cost of crafting ascended gear is around gold per piece. Stats can be swapped on ascended gear, but will cost extra resources each time and will lose all upgrades you can extract them previously with some tools.

Has the same stats as ascended gear but has a much more unique appearance, often having flashy effects as well. Legendary gear will mostly be account bound, except for generation 1 Legendary Weapons which can be sold on the trading post before they are equipped, and they will cost thousands of gold to craft. Trinkets such as Amulets, Rings, and Accessories provide most of the stats so they can be prioritized for the largest effect. If you are looking for a specific stat type, know that any stat type can be obtained by any piece of ascended armor or weapon using the Stat Swapping method.

Most trinkets can not stat swap, but you can usually select any stat type on a trinket. So focus on getting the piece you need rather than on the stat. Once you get settled into Guild Wars 2, you will find that ascended gear comes easy because you naturally accrue currency from each game type as you play.

However, your first set of ascended will always be the hardest to attain. This entire guide will cover pretty much all the ways you can gain ascended gear, but they may not be as accessible to someone who does not already have certain content unlocked.

This section will focus on showing newer players where to get their first set of ascended so they can settle into the game and provide them with a summary of the full guide so they can focus on playing the game. There is a specific priority that players should progress through when transitioning from exotic to ascended gear. Weapons will give the largest boost especially for Power oriented builds, so getting those first will yield the most benefit.

Weapons can be a little bit difficult to obtain, but trinkets which include Amulet, Accessory, Back Piece, and Rings are relatively easy and provide a majority of the stats of a build. Getting trinkets early will give the most effect for the least effort. Armor is as difficult to obtain as Weapons but with not as much of a difference, so get this last. These following methods are not going to be the most optimal for everyone on their first set of ascended, but in general they will have the least barrier to entry and spread out the acquisition methods that are time gated between game modes so you can get them as soon as possible.

Also remember to use the search function for any of the bolded keywords to find exactly what you are looking for, whether it is a specific piece of gear or a specific type of currency. Can be obtained from the specialization collections which are unlocked by gaining hero points and spending them on learning the elite specializations of your class. This will give an ascended weapon specific to that elite specialization. If that is not your weapon of choice, check the section below on how to craft ascended Weapons.

You can craft the ascended materials required to make the weapon ahead of time to maximize the daily time gate and save on money. You will need to level up a crafting discipline that corresponds to the weapon of choice. There are four tiers of fractals, and generally groups doing tier 4 Fractals in the LFG will require you to have ascended gear already for the agony resistance, but the lower tiers are very much possible with exotic gear. Completing all of the Tier 4 Fractal dailies for one day will net you 15 Pristine Relics which is enough to get one ring from the Fractal Lobby, but a few days of lower tier fractal dailies will yield enough pristines.

Are most easily obtained from laurel merchants. All you need to do to obtain laurels is log into the game. Your daily login reward will give you 35 laurels or 55 if you choose the laurel box on the 28th day. This is plenty for an amulet which costs 30 laurels, or 20 laurels if you purchase them from the WvW vendor which will require the WvW Badge of Honor currency.

Once you get to this map you can go to the forest in the northwest corner of the map and harvest winterberries. While amulets and rings can also be obtained here, the berry farm is time gated around 45 berries per day per character, and a player looking to get their first set of armor may not have several characters to farm this on.

Either way it wont take more than a few days with a few characters to get one piece. Pick the accessory for Winterberries. Should be obtained from any of the first episodes of Living World Season 3 except the 5th. Use the map specific currencies at the map vendors. Is the last part of your ascended gear you should get.

By the time you have your ascended weapons and trinkets you will be around your optimal set up. If you really want to get the full set as soon as possible you can level up the corresponding crafting discipline to craft your armor weight.

Weapons and armor are generally the most expensive parts of an ascended set. You will need a good amount of gold and account bound materials saved up. For specific crafting guides on each profession I will recommend this website: GW2Crafts. To begin this path, you will need to level the corresponding profession of the gear you wish to craft. You can start amassing materials specific to the process from level of the profession, but will need to be by the time you are finished.

Heavy armor is crafted with the Armorsmithing profession, Medium armor with Leatherworker, and Light armor with Tailoring. Weapons will also have certain crafts for each. Artificing allows the crafting of the Staff, Scepter, and Focus. You will need to craft ascended materials depending on your gear. So for example, if you want to craft an ascended bow you would need ascended leather to make the string and ascended wood for the bow.

It is advised to start crafting these at of your craft since there is a daily time gate for them and they will also help you reach level Marindor Community Manager. After some more digging here's what we found: Using time boosters should indeed make the player able to place more trades simultaneously, so that's not a bug per se. However, it should remove the hat icon indicating a Merchant is still being used from the previous trade, and it looks like that's not working properly, so we'll forward that as a bug.

We're not able to reproduce any bugs here anymore. If anyone can, please let us know. GrayEyes Member. I reported this bug to support on live server 1 month ago. Active 8 years, 5 months ago. Viewed 4k times. So, my main questions are: How does one use these materials Vials, infusions for crafting? Are backpieces and jewelry the only items you can make as ANet said , or has anyone made any weapons?

Are there any other infusions available? Improve this question. Raven Dreamer k gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Confuzzledmaniac Confuzzledmaniac 1, 15 15 silver badges 24 24 bronze badges. For now, only back and accessory ascended not ascendant items are available.

There will only ever be three types of infusion. Offensive, defensive and Omni. You can now earn Ascended jewellery by doing dailies and trading in the laurels. Add a comment. Recipe: Maintenance Oil Station. Recipe: Sharpening Stone Station. Recipe: Tuning Crystal Station. Sclerite Karka Shell. Twisted Watchwork Shoulders. Light Zephyrite Lightning Helm Skin.

Light Zephyrite Sun Helm Skin. Light Zephyrite Wind Helm Skin. Medium Zephyrite Lightning Helm Skin. Medium Zephyrite Sun Helm Skin. Medium Zephyrite Wind Helm Skin. Heavy Zephyrite Lightning Helm Skin.

Heavy Zephyrite Sun Helm Skin. Heavy Zephyrite Wind Helm Skin. Zephyr Sanctum Model. Gift of Candy Corn 1 in total. Gift of Quartz 1 in total. Gift of Sprockets 1 in total. Krait Obelisk Shard 1 in total. Recipe: Superior Rune of the Berserker. Requires the achievement Master Berserker. Recipe: Superior Rune of the Chronomancer. Requires the achievement Master Chronomancer. Recipe: Superior Rune of the Daredevil.

Requires the achievement Master Daredevil. Recipe: Superior Rune of the Dragonhunter. Requires the achievement Master Dragonhunter. Recipe: Superior Rune of the Druid. Requires the achievement Master Druid.

Recipe: Superior Rune of the Herald. Requires the achievement Master Herald. Recipe: Superior Rune of the Reaper. Requires the achievement Master Reaper. Recipe: Superior Rune of the Scrapper. Requires the achievement Master Scrapper. Recipe: Superior Rune of the Tempest. Requires the achievement Master Tempest. Recipe: Hylek Maintenance Oil. Requires the achievement Hylek Historian. Recipe: Krait Tuning Crystal. Requires the achievement Krait Antiquarianism Study. Recipe: Ogre Sharpening Stone.

Requires the achievement Ogre Expert. Adelbern's Burden. Requires the achievement Ascalonian Catacombs Collector. Baelfire's Ember. Requires the achievement Citadel of Flame Collector. Bane's Tooth. Requires the achievement Honor of the Waves Collector. DeLana's Coinpurse. Requires the achievement Caudecus's Manor Collector. Faolain's Blossom. Requires the achievement Twilight Arbor Collector.

Forgeman's Gear. Requires the achievement Sorrow's Embrace Collector. Kudu's Phasing Matrix. Requires the achievement Crucible of Eternity Collector. Zhaitan's Claw. Guide: Mistward Warboots. Requires the achievement Revenant: Corruption. Guide: Mistward Plate.

Requires the achievement Revenant: Salvation. Guide: Mistward Warfists. Requires the achievement Revenant: Devastation.

Guide: Mistward Legguards. Requires the achievement Revenant: Invocation. Guide: Mistward Pauldrons. Requires the achievement Revenant: Retribution. Tiger Den Map. Celebratory Birthday Enrichment.


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