Ghostlands is a low-level zone focusing on the alliance between the Blood Elves and Forsaken in pushing back the Scourge's presence. Outland is an absolutely stunning place, with environments and biomes so different to each other, it … As a was Approaching the Ghostlands the terrain started to head toward the center of ghostlands and then back around to the Eastern Plaguelands. The Ghostlands were implemented in the Burning Crusade expansion.
Not to mention tirisfel glades or whatever its called is an amazing place to mine aswell. So it is! The Ghostlands is a level zone that will be implemented in the Burning Crusade expansion. Once finished questing in the Ghostlands players can continue on by using the Orb of Translocation located in Silvermoon City in order to teleport to the Undercity.
From the Undercity players have the option of traveling to Hillsbrad Foothills or taking the zeppelin to Orgrimmar , where they can then proceed to Ashenvale. Ghostlands is often used by players wishing to bypass the Barrens whilst questing. Most zones have multiple flight points within them.
Haha, to be honest with you I'm not sure, hope someone can confirm. Resolved an issue where players transitioning from Eastern Plaguelands into Ghostlands while on certain flying mounts would be unable to resummon the mount until they relog back in.
This zone is part of the original Eversong Forest from which Eversong Woods was later reclaimed. Join Date: October 7, How does a blood elf get to Orgrimmar? Kommentar von Took the flight path from Silvermoon can't mount my flying mount in Eversong or Ghostlands down to Ghostlands and rode on the ground down to the portal. You had to relog to get kicked off the flight point at the next stop. And ofc theres's also the new FPs in the new starting zones.
So much content! If you follow the path all the way around the lake, you will see it before the path ends. One thing I haven't tried is polymorph. Repair and sell junk. Make sure you got the following quests:. If you don't have it, you can still fly to Silvermoon City to train. If you don't need to go there, just get the flight path of Tranquillien and continue with step 2.
Now while getting the flight path, turn in [10] Goods from Silvermoon City and purchase a flight to Silvermoon City. Enter Silvermoon and go to the Bazaar at 54, Turn in [10] Fly to Silvermoon City and get the follow up. If you didn't get a chance to train yet, do so now. Exit the town to the south and go back to the flight master where you initially arrived.
Turn in [10] Skymistress Gloaming and get the follow up. Make sure junk is sold and that you have food etc. Go northeast to Suncrown Village. Next to the road at 57,15 you should see a Dying Blood Elf. Take his quest. Now just ahead of you is Suncrown Village. Go there and kill 10 Nerubis Guards. Also look out for Anok'Suten which is a named undead spider. You might have to chug a pot. If you really can't kill her just leave the quest for later and kill her when you pass by Suncrown Village at a later point.
Continue east until you reach a camp at 69, Now swim southeast to a little island in the lake 72, There you should see a ghost called Geranis Whitemorn. Dive down the water all around the little island and search for Glistening Mud that looks about like this:. After you looted 8 of them, return to Geranis Whitemorn on the island and turn in.
Take the follow up. Now swim north to 71,15 where you should see Altar of Tidal Mastery under water. Right click it to summon a named elemental called Aquantion. Kill it. Now swim northeast over the lake to the other side where you should see trolls. Kill them until you have 6 Zeb'Sora Troll Ears. When you arrive at Geranis Whitemorn, turn in. Take the follow up and go back to Farstrider Enclave making sure to have killed 8 Vengeful and 8 Ravening Apparitions. Hearthstone to Tranquillien.
You should be level 14 by now or close. Take the road west from Tranquillien and follow it until you reach the Dead Scar. Kill 10 of each while trying to not stray to far from the path which led you to the Dead Scar.
Be careful there is a level 21 abomination roaming the Dead Scar. Keep any Rotting Hearts you might get. Once done follow the path further west until you reach a fork. Take the little path leading south and you should see Arcane Devourers and Mana Shifters. Kill them until you have 8 Crystallized Mana Essences. Go to 33,26 and pick up Rathis Tomber's Supplies, which can be found in a little wagon next to a tree. Go back to where the road forked earlier and looking north you should see a little dirty path.
Follow it up the hill. There should be Sentinel Spies as well as a monument looking like this:. While approaching it, kill all Sentinel Spies you come across. At the moument you should get an "investigate An'Daroth completed" message. Continue killing Sentinel Spies until you killed 12 of them. Once you are done, go west to Goldenmist Village. When you are done go further west to the beach.
Kill murlocs there until you have 6 Plagued Murloc Spines. Once done, hearthstone back to Tranquillien. Turn in all your quests, this should make you ding level Take all the quests available besides the one on the wanted poster. Go northwest until you hit the Dead Scar again. Don't go too far south though, stay between the two paths that cross the Dead Scar.
Once done go southwest to 31,48 and talk to Apprentice Shatharia. Get her quest. In front of you is a pit with gnolls. Kill gnolls there until you have killed:. Once done go southwest until you reach Windrunner Spire. Kill 8 Deatholme Acolytes and 10 Fallen Rangers. You'll probably loot A Lady's Necklace from one of the mobs.
Right click it to start a quest. When done, go north up the beach until you reach Windrunner Village. When you are done, go north and swim to the little island which is located at 10, We need to find three different plans here and the location can vary sometimes : Plans of An'Owyn can be found at 12,23 in a tent. Plans of An'Daroth can be found at 13,26 in a tent.
Plans of Sin'Dorei can be found at 10,26 on top of the boat. Hearthstone back to Tranquillien. Turn in all your finished quests. Take all follow ups. Take the bat to Silvermoon City, train and sell junk. In the city, go northwest to Sunfury Spire. Go up the red ramp to the Inner Sanctum. Inside you'll see some NPCs, go behind them and enter the room. Go up the ramp and you should see an orb of translocation.
Use it. Welcome to Undercity. Enter the city and get the Undercity flight path. Jump down and go the Apothecarium. From there head to the Royal Quarter entrance is in the middle of the Apothecarium. Turn your sound up and turn in [15] Journey to Undercity at Lady Sylvanas.
Enjoy the little event. Follow the road south until you reach Andilien Estate at 46, Get [18] Clearing the Way from Apprentice Vor'el. Continue on the road now going east.
And at the fork go north until you reach the Sanctum of the Sun. Go northeast of the Sanctum of the Sun, up into the mountain where you should find a camp called An'Telas 60, The area around Sanctum of the Sun is a good spot for Ghostpaw Lynx btw, make sure to kill as many as you still need Turn in [16] Deliver the Plans to An'telas at Magister Sylastor and get the follow up.
Leave the camp where you entered and go to Farstrider Enclave. Comment by how do you unlock the zeb'nowa treasure chests???
Comment by As a Rogue, Sap the Catlords and take out their pets. It makes it a whole lot easier than trying to tank both as you damage. If you need to, bandage after the cat; you should be able to finish off a bandage just before Sap wears off. Also, it's a good idea to Garrote the Hexxars if you want to minimize your work.
They like to run about half of the time, and getting that bleed on them will help get them down if you lag behind them. Also note that the Catlords' pets can run as fast as you during Sprint , so be extra careful when fighting around them, because you won't always be able to escape.
Comment by Actually quite easy for a lvl 17 normal geared paladin. Manages to take a hexxer and a catlord with pet without bouble and potion mosts of the time. Comment by Allakhazam Quest details have been updated. Please let us know if this is incorrect. Assault on Zeb'Nowa. You really should talk to the captain about joining up as a Farstrider.
Actually, by your account there aren't many of those trolls left at all! Maybe now we can join with Tranquillien and attack Deatholme?