NET Version That's set in the report viewer control is it not So now I'm pretty confused and frustrated and can't find documentation that speaks directly to my usage scenario: Web application in a hosted environment using ReportViewer control in remote mode using Forms authentication.
Any ideas Thanks! I want to show the current user's name on the report. I placed the UserName report global and that works when running the report in Debug but not when running in Release. I think I know why it does it, but is there a way to display the local client user name Thanks Tag: Visual J General Java libraries and vjslib. I've tried changing the order in the source code, but that doesn't seem to have any affect on the diagram.
TestingFreeText cannot be resolved between the following possible identifiers: [Column] Enhed. FTresult, [Column] Enhed. Can you post the error messages you are encountering along with the enclosing sections from buildlog. Thanks for your assistance! Net Types I'm having a problem trying to create an enumeration of. I receive and error telling me that the name "string" is not valid. This is understandable if the Enumeration did not have a namespace. It would make sense that it conflicts with the External Type.
Is this a bug Or is there a better way for me to get a drop down list of. I hope that is clear. So this still can't help me to solve my problem.
Now I think of prog a small tool that could be run in post-build event and can crop build script as I need, using "PRINT N'Creating schemata'" string as a place to start. However we're not really sure how to go about this. This page seems to give an example of how to include a custom action into a work item state transition, but it doesn't indicate how the work item manages to find ADatum. Complete in the first place.
Is there some way you have to register a DLL in TFS in order for the work item definition to pick it up Also are there any particular implentation details of a class that is used as an action, any specific interfaces that must be extended for example Thanks in advance to anyone that can shed some light on this. The tool window is actually an ATL activex control. I'm interested in making the toolwindow non-resizbale. I put the controls and subreport in a list ontrol which i group according to name.
One of my sub-report contains a matrix which grows too long over a paper size 11in x 8. But the problem is,when my matrix was cut when exported,a blank page comes before the next matrix about 1 or 2 blank pages. I just cant figure out what might be the source of it. I put my grouping in the "Edit Groups"and then the Group Tab. But it was tougher than showing a demo in a session about Node. JS or DSL because in normal technical sessions we can show demo using the corresponding language and the related tool.
Here which language I should choose? In what tool I can select? Will the surroundings of Visual Studio take the attention of these people from the code window?
Posted by Joymon at PM. Newer Post Older Post Home. This was in case I did any damage in my previous attempts to fix the problem. So basically the Microsoft package placed the correct dlls into the bit. NET framework and I had to manually move them into the bit folder which is then copy-pasted into my solution folder by David Thielen's solution above.
Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Asked 11 years, 7 months ago. Active 4 years, 6 months ago. Viewed 18k times. Is there any way to get get. Kiquenet Arthurdent Arthurdent 1, 5 5 gold badges 17 17 silver badges 32 32 bronze badges.
I don't think there's any J support in. J references worked in 3. So another words, I'm out of luck Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Combine Environment. GetFolderPath Environment. System , ".. Combine folder, "vjsnativ. Kind Contributor