Where is lingual lipase

To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Summary: A convenient lipase assay that discriminates between pancreatic and lingual lipase activities was developed to describe some properties of the triglyceride-hydrolyzing activities of lingual lipase from von Ebners glands and pancreatic lipase.

Secretion of lingual lipase is stimulated by feeding. Gastric contents collected postyprandially from patients with cystic fibrosis CF contained lipase activity which is probably secreted from pharyngeal tissues.

Also, duodenal contents from CF patients contained lipase activity with properties very close to those found in gastric contents from CF patients and controls. Apparently, the serous glands responsible for the secretion of lingual lipase is less affected than the exocrine pancrease in this disease.

In these patients with severe pancreatic insufficiency, we suggest that the lingual lipase is responsible for a considerable proportion of triglyceride hydrolysis. This hydrolysis starts in the stomach and continues in duodenum. Speculation: Due to pancreatic insufiiciency, duodenal contents in cystic fibrosis patients is low in proteolytic enzyme activities and also low in pH. Thus, lingual lipase is not rapidly inactivated, and, furthermore, intraluminal pH is near the optimum for catalytic activity of the lingual lipase.

View PDF of the complete article. Go to JCI Insight. Email the journal. Top Abstract Version history. Published January 1, - Version history. Abstract The serous glands of rat tongue were found to contain a potent lipolytic enzyme which hydrolyzed triglyceride to mostly diglyceride and free fatty acids FFA at pH 4.

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