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I know because I'm psychic. The bell's gonna ring! I stall, thinking of the last person she'd ever want to be mistaken for. Guess again! Marilyn Manson? Not because I'm grossed out by the thought of her saliva I mean, I know she's healthy , but because I don't want her to touch me again. Touch is too revealing, too exhausting, so I try to avoid it at all costs. She grabs the hood of my sweatshirt and flicks it off my head, then squints at my earbuds and asks, "What're you listening to?

I mean, can it be any louder? And who is that? And the truth is, I don't know if Sid's for it or against it. I just know that he's almost loud enough to dull my overly heightened senses. But I just shrug. I don't need to listen to hear.

Though it's not like I mention that. I just tell her I'll see her at lunch and head toward class, making my way across campus and cringing when I sense these two guys sneaking up behind her, stepping on the hem of her skirt, and almost making her fall.

But when she turns and makes the sign of evil okay, it's not really the sign of evil, it's just something she made up and glares at them with her yellow eyes, they immediately back off and leave her alone.

Your table is ready, follow me. Eventually stopping at a table just across from the finish line, with a beautiful view of the track and the green hills beyond. Should I bring you champagne? His face flushing slightly when he says, "Not today. Because this room is not only huge, but it's also completely full—in the middle of the week—the middle of the day even. All these people playing hooky and betting.

It's like a whole other world I never knew existed. And I can't help but wonder if this is where he spends all his free time. You wanna bet? I shake my head. But since we're short on time, why don't you just look this over, and tell me what you feel, which names you're drawn to.

Then as the two get to know each other, their relationship grows, and Ever finds out Damen's been keeping secrets. And she wants to find out what. The first half of the book was really irritating. I have to say Ever's and Damen's relationship was one of the most frustrating relationships I have ever read.

It was unbelievable how she kept forgiving him over and over again. But then, later on in the story, I found out why Damen acted the way he did.

I enjoyed the book much better after that. After reading this book, I thought it wasn't as bad as some of the reviews I've read, but it wasn't that great either I am looking forward to reading the next book. I had mixed feelings going into it because I read some negative reviews on retail sites, but figured I would find out for myself anyway, and the Nook edition was only 2.

I read the book in one day! I felt so drawn to Ever, right from the beginning. She felt the need to hide who she really was from everyone around her, trying to forget the girl she used to be. The tragedy in this book is absolutely heartbreaking. There is romance, mystery, intrigue, all rolled into one neat little package. While Miles and Haven, her best friends, seem like secondary characters who were little more than an afterthought, they add a dynamic to the story that is incredible.

It makes the whole story seem real and believable, as you experience the teenage angst that is commonplace with trying to find out who you really are. Damen is described as smoking hot, and you can actually get an image in your mind of what he looks like. My image of Damen is something like the actor that plays Stefan on The Vampire Diaries, and if I am wrong, I would so rather the author not fill me in on that one! And of course, then you have Drina, who you will have to develop your own opinion of because if I tell you what I think, there will be spoilers here and I always try to write spoiler-free mostly because I have not figured out how to hide them like other bloggers do!

I absolutely loved this story and had total fangirl moments reading it. I am a 30 year old woman obsessed with a fantasy novel. Don't tell my husband, he would be embarrassed to go in public with me after this admission! I feel that everyone who loves fantasy should read this novel. It was nice to get something out of the ordinary and unexpected. Most fantasy novels of late are filled with vampires in some variation or another, and what you get here is so much better!

Seriously, go buy this book. You will not regret it. I think this is my least favourite paranormal romance that I've reviewed for my blog so far. The story takes an awful lot from the likes of Twilight, focusing on the relationship between a lonely outsider and a dark mysterious stranger. Although the novel does well to keep Damen's nature secret until the final quarter, it is still very disappointing.

He's just too perfect and without weakness to make a decent love interest. He's also a thoroughly selfish and unlikable character throughout the story. No matter how he tries to justify himself, his actions always feel utterly self-serving and he never gives much thought as to what Ever wants.

Ever is not much better as she runs back to Damen time and time again, even when he's publicly embarrassed her or openly flirted with other girls. Even the secondary cast could not save this story as all of them were bland and very unmemorable.

Even Drina, the big baddie, was just too cartoonish and over the top to feel very threatening. The overall message - that love conquers all - also felt a bit too convenient. Ever's depression and Drina's far superior abilities? Not a problem when you have love on your side. All in all, I really did not enjoy this book much at all.

I'm morbidly curious to see what will happen next but I'm in no hurry to find out any time soon. I really want to give this a better rating for the easy writing style and the effortless flow which kept me hooked but I can't ignore this book's faults. Throughout I got annoyed with Damen's constant excuses and apologies and from the moment after Drina attacked Ever everything got a bit corny and Damen's explanation of what he is didn't quite feel right. However I did love the thing with the flowers and their meanings and the way he gave Ever some of her confidence back.

The Riley dilemma was well-written and I could understand Ever's feelings toward Ava, she was always smiling and came off as arrogant, why would Ever think Ava could help if she was like that and going behind Ever's back and talking to Riley? Some may compare this to Twilight but I think that's unfair, it has more in common with the Vampire Diaries.

Both of the heroines have lost their families in car accidents, both are finding it hard to adjust to a new life with an aunt, both meet a mysterious new student at school and the similarities continue only Stefan was a vampire and Damen is not.

Drina could have been the Damen character from the Vampire Diaries in disguise but she was more pathetic though her manipulation of Haven was creepy. This was an enticing, quality book. Very suitable for younger teens in my opinion; it has a romantic theme but the content is PG The heroine is sensible and responsible for her choices. I applaud the author for her efforts to provide a good role model. The storyline is suspenseful and had me guessing well into the book.

I only gave it four stars because it never really wowed me, but it was a very pleasant experience and I'm glad I read it. I kind of liked the story, but the writing seemed a bit disjointed at times. The dialog was just kind of off, like trying to explain the plot through conversation in a way that just didn't feel real. I hated the way Drina did the whole "let me fully explain my every motivation, your previous history with Damen, and other random information as I'm attacking you" thing.

But, again, I liked the story. I've read the reviews where this was compared to Twilight, and I can see some similarities, but the way that it differed was in that Ever was not obsessed with Damen to the point she felt her entire existence was dependent on his being with her. And there were many other differences too, of course. I may at some point read the second book in the series in the hope that the writing style improves, because the story itself is interesting and it kept me reading it regardless of the flaws.

The wreck leaves Ever all alone with a loss of both parents her sister and their dog. The characters are well written and leave you wanting to get to know them better and find out more of this immortal world where people can think things into being. I was stressed the entire time about what Ever would do in Damens case and all that it would entail.

I'm not sure why I started to read this. I'm pretty sure the kobo app recommended it. As soon as it started off I knew it wasn't really my kind of book, but i was curious about the whole "seeing auras" and teenage psychic. How she needed to drown out everything so she wouldn't get overwhelmed by stimulus.

I've had that feeling a few times so I kinda got attached. That's the only redeeming part of the entire book for me. Once the love interest came in, I lost whatever remaining internet in the book, but I still had to finish it. Other reviews have remarked how similar it is to twilight and even though I've never read twilight I can believe it. The relationship was very weak and one sided, made me feel sad about the female gender in general. Some of the ending bits I liked, but overall I'd give it a meh.

OH this book. What an experience! If you have strong feelings about this book I suggest you take this commentary with a grain of salt, because I found it less then desirable. IN the beginning a girl named Ever lives with her constantly working guardian and just wants to be alone away from the over stimulating world.

All of this is understandable as she is obviously going through depression which is understandable when losing everything you love.

Cue hot guy that is overly attractive and instantly in love with our good friend Ever. Now, I already saw how Twilight this book was going to be I use Twilight because that book is just the perfect example of a girl all alone meets a boy who is not what he seems love forbidden angst but the actual amount of similarities between.


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