After all, her assertiveness helped her rise through the ranks at Xerox. So why would she change her behavior now?
Burns is an example of a leader that is not egocentric, self-serving, or believes the company is all about them. A good leader needs a balance of self-confidence and humility. If you are a business leader, check the ego at the door and you might just gain the respect of your employees and other leaders. Resources Articles, whitepapers, reviews and more. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? We use cookies to give you the best experience possible.
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Bibliography IvyPanda. References IvyPanda. More related papers. Check the price of your paper. This is the long run. We need both missionaries and mercenaries at work. Some of that in a leadership team is OK. They are to be emphasized. Burns, 57, came from the Baruch Houses in New York, attended parochial school and wound up studying mechanical engineering — because, she said, it paid well — at what is now Polytechnic Institute of New York University, just three subway stops from her home. In the question-and-answer session at the end, Burns addressed her advice for students by walking up to the chalkboard and scrawling: Work Hard.
Have and Bring Joy. Money is Not the End. And money is not everything.